*Each section involves practice of calculation and application of geometric tolerances.
Engineering Drawing and GD&T
- Engineering Drawings
- Introduction to Dimensioning
- Dimensioning Rules
- Co-Ordinate Dimensioning System
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing system Myths in GD&T
Definitions and Symbols
Rules and Different concepts of GD&T
- Limit of size
- Brief of Rule#1
- Brief of Rule#2
- Application of MMC and
- Bonus Tolerance
Tolerance selection
From Tolerance
- How to select Form Tolerance
- Straightness tolerance
- Flatness tolerance
- Circularity
- Cylindricity tolerance
Datum selection
- How to select Datum
- Datum feature
- Datum identification
- Planar datum
- Datum feature of RMB
- Maximum Material boundary
- Least material boundary
- Datum shift
- Datum targets
- Simultaneous requirement
Positional Tolerance
- How to select Datum
- Tolerance of location-positional tolerance
- Positional tolerance-RFS
- Positional tolerance -MMC
- Positional tolerance-LMC
- Brief of Multiple segment and composite tolerance
- Application of projected tolerance zone
- Simultaneous requirement
- Positional coaxial control
- Concentricity
- Symmetrical relationship
Tolerance of profile
- Profile tolerance
- Uniform profile tolerance zone
- Bilateral tolerance
- Unilateral and unequal bilateral
- All around and all over symbols
- Different tolerance for different segment of cross section
- Brief of Non uniform tolerance zone
- Brief of Composite Tolerance application
- Application of profile tolerance
Orientation tolerance
- Orientation tolerances
- Angularity
- Parallelism
- Perpendicularity
- Tolerance zone for orientation tolerance
- Orientation tolerance @MMC modifier
- Projected tolerance
Runout tolerance
- Tolerance of Runout
- Datum section for Runout
- Circular runout
- Total runout
- Application of circular runout on a curved surface
- What, Why
- Limits- Fits and Tolerances
- Precision and Accuracy
- Various Fits
Tolerance Stack-up
- Myths in Tolerance Stack-up
- What is tolerance Stack-up Analysis?
- Why to do tolerance Stack-up Analysis?
- Benefits tolerance Stack-up Analysis
- What are the driving factors in Stack-up analysis
- Assumptions and ways of doing stack-up
- Steps to be followed
- Rules preparing Loop diagram
Converting all tolerancing system to equal bilateral system
Examples Practice (Part Level and Assembly Level)
Fixed and Floating Formulas and Concept
Converting GD&T to Normal ± tolerance to use in stack-up analysis
- Few terminologies (VC, RC, OB and IB, Datum shift)
- Form Tolerances – To include in Tolerance stack-up or not
- Orientation Tolerances on surface and on feature of size
- Profile (Composite tolerance effect as well)
- Positional Tolerance (Composite tolerance, when and how to include segments)
- Datum shift assumption in Tolerance Stack-up
- Runout Consideration
- Symmetry and Concentricity
Radial Tolerance Stack-up
Part With Dimension and tolerance at an angle
Statistical Tolerancing (RSS and MRSS)
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